Last week, my favorite Gorgeous Lady of Writing turned 80.
Her work is brilliant, and a chance purchase of "A Wizard of Earthsea" at a used book shop when I was in 4th grade had a major impact on wee Jeremy's early development, and still manages to influence and inspire me. Every few years or so I reread the Earthsea Cycle or Always Coming Home and I'm amazed that every single time the experience is fresh. The Earthsea Cycle in particular, though written for "middle readers," feels like it grows up along with me and that I can come back to it again and again, with my lived experience enriching each subsequent read.
There are very few writers that I can think of who are able to address issues of race, class, or gender with a smattering of cultural anthropology and Taoism thrown in to boot in such a subtle way, especially in a science fictional or fantastical framework. Besides, she is a woman of impeccable integrity and wit.
Seriously, words can't adequately express how fond I am of this lady. Now go and read The Left Hand of Darkness already!
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