Hello again.
Originally, I started this blog as part of a project for school, the idea being something about the blog as an
object lesson about information, tubes, new technology and such. Since then, it has sat dormant, accumulating electronic dust in the form of spam comments and domain name requests from
other Jeremys. Something about the format has always made me a tich uncomfortable, most likely due to my association of "blogs" with livejournal-style angst-ridden public diaries. Not that there isn't a place for that, I suppose, but that sort of exhibitionism has never really appealed to me.
All of this being said, my thinking has come around a bit. Even though I think that we'd all be better suited going outside and spending time talking to out neighbors rather than staring at this electronic box, I think that this format really has a lot of potential as a place for sharing ideas and telling stories and making connections. I see it in so many other sites by
people that I admire.
So, this is an experiment for me with this kind of public space--to share my work and my interests, and to maybe start a dialogue of some sort. It might be a bit clumsy at first, but I hope that you enjoy it.
In order to start fresh, I've pulled all of the original posts, brilliant musings on sunburns and all. I can't bring myself to drop them altogether, so I'm putting up screen grabs of them as an archive.